[Facnet-l] Turlock Community Gardens - vacant plots

Julia Sankey jsankey at csustan.edu
Wed Dec 29 07:50:47 PST 2021

Hi All:

The Turlock Community Gardens is seeking new gardeners for several vacant plots (10x20') starting Jan 1st. Plot rent is $120/year, which pays for water, insurance, and supplies. The TCG is a large organic garden 2 blocks north of CSUS. It has large compost bins, free compost, a shed with shared tools, and a drip irrigation system on automatic timer. Community gardeners are expected to participate in several work days/year. If interested, please sign up here:  https://www.turlockcommunitygardens.org/join; To learn more about the TCG: https://www.turlockcommunitygardens.org/

Julia T. Sankey, Ph.D.
Professor, Paleobiology/Geology
Sustainability Faculty Fellow, Council for Sustainable Futures
California State University, Stanislaus, Turlock, CA
209-667-3090; JSankey at csustan.edu<mailto:JSankey at csustan.edu>

Turlock Community Gardens:


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