[Facnet-l] presentation: “Air Pollution, Health Hazards, and a 51 million mile/year Student Commuter Campus (CSU Stanislaus) + Solutions”

Julia Sankey jsankey at csustan.edu
Wed Feb 2 07:43:21 PST 2022

Hi all:

I have a new research PowerPoint presentation I’d be happy to present to you, your office, class, or club this semester via zoom (~15 minutes):

“Air Pollution, Health Hazards, and a 51 million mile/year Student Commuter Campus (CSU Stanislaus) + Solutions”

I discuss:

1) The health hazards from air pollution (asthma; shorter life spans)
2) The sources of air pollution in the Central Valley (one of the worst air quality areas in the US): wildfires, agriculture, and vehicles
3) How much does CSU Stanislaus emit via commuters (pre-covid)? 51 million miles/academic year (students); more if staff/faculty included (based on data from Institutional Research).

Please let me know if you are interested.

Thanks and all the best!

Julia T. Sankey, Ph.D.
Professor, Paleobiology/Geology
Sustainability Faculty Fellow, Council for Sustainable Futures
California State University, Stanislaus, Turlock, CA
209-667-3090; JSankey at csustan.edu<mailto:JSankey at csustan.edu>

Turlock Community Gardens:


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