[Facnet-l] Climate Crisis class in spring 2022 - room in class

Julia Sankey jsankey at csustan.edu
Tue Dec 7 07:28:17 PST 2021

Hi all:

I still have lots of room in my new climate class in Spring 2022. If you could help spread the word by passing this email on and posting it, I would really appreciate it.


Hazards and Adaptations to the Climate Crisis (3 units). GEOL 4950 (Selected Topics in Geology), Thursdays 2:00-4:50, Online Synchronous https://classschedule.csustan.edu/docs/ClassSchedule_2222_GEOL.pdf

All majors welcome; juniors and seniors especially encouraged to enroll. No pre-requisites.

In this class, we will cover:
1) Science: We will review the science behind the climate crisis.

2) Hazards: There are many hazards caused by the climate crisis. We will focus on: sea level rise; coastal flooding; increased intensity of hurricanes and other storms; increased intensity of droughts and heat waves; wildfires; and impacts on health.

3) Societal Adaptations: There are many adaptations that societies can make to become more resilient to the climate crisis. We will investigate these adaptations including: renewable energy and changes in buildings, transportation, and agriculture.

Let me know if you have any questions!
Dr. Julia Sankey; Jsankey at csustan.edu<mailto:Jsankey at csustan.edu>

Julia T. Sankey, Ph.D.
Professor, Paleobiology/Geology
Sustainability Faculty Fellow, Council for Sustainable Futures
California State University, Stanislaus, Turlock, CA
209-667-3090; JSankey at csustan.edu<mailto:JSankey at csustan.edu>

Turlock Community Gardens:


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