[Facnet-l] Lee Mun Wah Training: Creating a Culturally Competent & Responsive Environment

Jennifer Staffero jstaffero at csustan.edu
Tue Mar 2 10:57:08 PST 2021

Hello everyone!

Psychological Counseling Services and The Warrior Cross Cultural Center would like to present a training by Lee Mun Wah.  It is on March 24th from 9am-1pm.  Please join us and come ready to participate!

At this workshop he will teach practical techniques on how to develop alliances and a sense of community between multicultural groups. Together, participants will learn how to create an environment of trust where similarities and differences are valued, acknowledged and considered useful. They will be taken through a series of exercises that will help them learn more about each other and what each has to offer that is uniquely theirs. In addition, opportunities will be provided for participants to share the stories and life experiences that have shaped and impacted who they have become, as well as their aspirations for an authentic and trusting relationship. This very intimate and moving experience often leaves participants feeling they have grown closer in friendship and understanding and how to work together as a community.

Here is the link to sign-up:  https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=B2nlvt8T8kqkv9fvDevAHBMftQzr7_9HtxAc8aSXulpUQkZLTjVSUVkwMVkzN0dNWlhJQTdRNEYzSi4u

Hope to see you there!
Jennifer Staffero
Psychological Counseling Services

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